I’m Andrew.

A London-based, Multidisciplinary Creative Designer with a passion for Brand Systems.

It all started off when I discovered that I enjoyed manipulating the basic forms of graphic elements on a computer back in secondary school and having a taste of what creative freedom is like… And with that, I ended up pursuing a Bachelors degree in Graphic design at one of the most renowned Arts Colleges in London.

Since then I have 10 years plus in the industry having worked at a few agencies, in-house environments, small to big clients from commercial to personal, B2B and small businesses. On top of this, it hasn’t stopped me from taking my own personal projects on the side which I very much enjoy!

I have learned to specialise in a range of disciplines which sets me apart from a lot of designers. To me design isn’t just designing a poster, or a logo — its seeing the bigger picture as a whole, getting results that benefit the business or the brief. Great and meaningful design is always the standard that it doesn’t go below, whilst elevating other creatives and my team.

If you’re interested in finding out more about me or want to discuss some exciting opportunities, hit the button below or check me out the social icons.